Jeanne Lebar in 'Death of an Heiress'

Jeanne ​is my first novel.  It is a first person detective story some 74000 words long, narrated by a woman, Jeanne Lebar.  She works in a humble position at 36 Quai des Orfèvres, the oldest and most glamorous police station in Paris and one day she realises she must investigate one of her colleagues.

You can read the first three chapters here

Queen's Gambit

Queen's Gambit ​is my current work.  When her youngest child goes to university Sofia decides that she no longer wants to have sex with her husband.  She is too comfortable to want a divorce so she decides to arrange a situation where he will sleep with another woman.  Everything seems to be going well.  His lusts are satisfied and she can sleep peacefully.  But then the gossip starts.

Here is a snippet

Kim Maxwell

A short story